Beyond Clicks and Views: How to Measure Engagement in the Web3 Era

November 30, 2023

As traditional metrics like clicks and views become less meaningful, businesses must adapt and find more effective ways to measure engagement. In this post, we’ll explore how to measure engagement in the Web3 era — which is forecasted to reach a market size of $81.5 billion by 2030 — going beyond superficial metrics and diving into deeper indicators of user participation and value.

Understanding the limitations of clicks and views

Clicks and views have long been the go-to metrics for measuring engagement in the digital realm. While they provide a basic understanding of user interaction, they fail to capture the true essence of engagement. In the Web3 era, where user empowerment and ownership take center stage, these traditional metrics fall short in truly reflecting the depth of user involvement and value creation. 

The changing landscape of user engagement in the Web3 era

The emergence of the Web3 era has brought about a significant shift in the landscape of user engagement. Unlike Web2, where users primarily consumed content passively, the Web3 era promotes active participation and ownership. Users are no longer mere consumers but are contributors and stakeholders. 

With Web3, users co-create content, applications, and even entire ecosystems. Instead of measuring superficial metrics like clicks and views, which offer limited perspectives, the Web3 era focuses on evaluating the depth and quality of user interactions and digital experiences, where users have a vested interest in the platforms they engage with.

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The implications of measuring engagement in the Web3 era

Measuring engagement in the Web3 era has far-reaching implications for businesses and the overall success of Web3 communities.

Data-driven decision-making

Armed with a data-driven approach, companies can make more informed decisions based on user behavior, preferences, and trends. Analyzing engagement metrics enables them to identify patterns, optimize their offerings, and tailor their strategies to better meet the needs and expectations of their target audience. 

Optimizing strategies for business success

Measuring engagement in the Web3 era provides businesses with the opportunity to fine-tune their strategies and maximize their chances of success. By understanding which aspects of their platform or content drive the highest levels of engagement, they can allocate resources more effectively and focus on areas that generate the most value. In turn, this optimization leads to improved user experiences, increased user retention, and ultimately, better business outcomes.

Building thriving Web3 communities 

By understanding the factors that drive engagement, businesses can build and nurture vibrant communities that foster active participation, collaboration, and positive interactions among users. With engagement metrics, companies can identify and reward community members who contribute valuable content or provide insightful contributions, thereby encouraging a culture of involvement and expertise sharing. Not only does this approach enhance user loyalty, but it also harnesses the collective intelligence of the community for improved innovation and problem-solving, which becomes beneficial for all participants.

8 Ways to measure engagement in the Web3 era

  1. Attention and time spent 

One of the first indicators of engagement in the Web3 era is attention — time spent by users on a particular platform or application. Time spent is a valuable metric that demonstrates the level of interest and commitment of users. However, it's important to analyze the quality of time spent rather than just the quantity.

Pro tip: To successfully track the duration users spend interacting with their platforms and content, leverage blockchain's transparent and timestamped records. Additionally, smart contracts and decentralized applications provide granular insights into user interactions, allowing companies to quantify and analyze the depth and frequency of user engagement.

  1. User-generated content (UGC)

In the Web3 era, the creation and sharing of user-generated content (UGC) holds immense significance because it transforms passive consumers into active contributors, fostering a dynamic and interconnected digital landscape where individuals have the power to shape narratives, influence trends, and collectively co-create the value they seek. 

UGC redefines traditional notions of content ownership and distribution, and also facilitates the emergence of more authentic, diverse, and community-driven digital environments that reflect the true essence of Web3 principles. In fact, because UGC has been proven to build trust and authenticity, 86% of companies have integrated it into their marketing strategy. 

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Pro tip: By creating blockchain-based protocols that track and validate UGC submissions, businesses can ensure the authenticity and ownership of contributed content. Just as smart contracts can be used to track a user’s time and attention, they can be employed to record the creation, sharing, and remixing of UGC, enabling precise quantification of user interactions. 

  1. Tokenomics 

Through token-based incentives, businesses can easily align user interactions with tangible value. As users earn and trade tokens based on engagement levels, companies gain real-time insights into which activities are most captivating and impactful. The evolving token marketplace provides a gauge of sentiment and demand for various interactions, allowing businesses to adapt and optimize their engagement strategies in response to user preferences. Doing so fosters stronger connections between businesses and users and provides valuable data for refining products, enhancing experiences, and ultimately driving sustained growth in the Web3 landscape.

Pro tip: To design a robust token economy, determine how users will earn tokens through actions like content creation, participation in events, referrals, or other valuable contributions. Then assign different weights to each activity based on its importance to your ecosystem. Ensure that token rewards are aligned with the behaviors and outcomes you want to promote.

  1. Blockchain-based metrics

Leveraging blockchain-based metrics offers a revolutionary approach to measuring engagement that enhances accuracy, transparency, and trust. Utilizing the inherent immutability of the blockchain allows businesses to create tamper-proof records of user interactions and transactions. 

Each engagement, whether it's content creation, token transfers, or application usage, is time-stamped and securely stored, ensuring a reliable source of data for analysis. The transparency of the blockchain gives users the ability to independently verify their interactions, fostering a sense of both authenticity and accountability. Blockchain-based metrics also enable businesses to map out complex user journeys, understand engagement patterns, and gain insights into which activities resonate most within the community.

Pro tip: To take full advantage of blockchain-based metrics, begin by identifying key metrics and use cases. Collaborate with blockchain developers to build smart contracts that automate the recording and tracking of the identified metrics. Additionally, introduce your users to the benefits of blockchain-based metrics to encourage participation.

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  1. Community interactions

Because engagement in the Web3 era is heavily reliant on community interactions, it requires tracking and analyzing interactions between users, such as comments, likes, shares, and collaborations. By monitoring both the sentiment and quality of these interactions, businesses can comprehensively assess the vibrancy and impact of their community interactions, shaping strategies that nurture deeper connections and meaningful collaboration with their users.

Pro tip: To evaluate the sentiment of user comments, feedback, and discussions within the community, implement sentiment analysis tools that utilize natural language processing (NLP). These tools can analyze the tone and emotions expressed in text to gauge whether interactions are positive, negative, or neutral. Consider also integrating decentralized reputation systems where users can provide feedback and rate the quality of each other's contributions. Content ranking mechanisms may also be useful in enabling the community to upvote or downvote contributions based on their perceived quality.

  1. User governance and decision-making

A decentralized decision-making process, such as token-based voting or consensus mechanisms, allows users to contribute to key decisions regarding features, upgrades, and strategic directions. By tracking the level of participation in these governance activities, including the number of votes cast or proposals submitted, businesses can gauge the depth of engagement.

Additionally, analyzing the diversity of participants and their contributions offers insights into the inclusivity of the decision-making process. As users become stakeholders with a genuine influence, their engagement is inherently tied to the platform's success, creating a symbiotic relationship that drives active participation and sustainable growth.

Pro tip: To track the level of participation in governance activities, utilize blockchain's transparent and immutable ledger. Every vote cast or proposal submitted is recorded as a unique transaction on the blockchain, providing a reliable and auditable record of user engagement. With this information, businesses can analyze the frequency and volume of transactions and can quantitatively measure the depth of user involvement in the decision-making process.

  1. Network effects and referrals

The Web3 era encourages network effects, wherein users actively invite others to join and participate in the ecosystem. By using tracking mechanisms that monitor the growth of their user base, companies can measure the reach and impact of individual users' recommendations, identify the most effective channels for viral sharing, and quantify the ripple effect of engaged users bringing in new participants.

Pro tip: To accurately monitor network effects and referrals, create a tracking system that assigns unique identifiers to users and generates distinct referral links for each participant. Incorporate UTM parameters or similar tracking tags in the referral links. To understand the ripple effect of user referrals, implement attribution modeling. Businesses may also choose to experiment with different referral incentives and sharing strategies. 

  1. NFT ownership and collectibles

Currently, 2.8% of users own an NFT. By issuing NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) as collectible items, limited editions, or rewards for engagement, companies can track and analyze user interactions with these assets. Monitoring NFT ownership, transfers, and trading activities provides insights into user preferences and the value they place on specific digital content.

Pro tip: To foster a deeper sense of engagement and belonging among users who participate in the NFT ecosystem, businesses can observe which NFTs gain the most attention, are frequently traded, or spark discussions. This data can then be used to assess the resonance of their offerings and refine their content strategies.

Embracing the web3 era

As we navigate the Web3 era, it becomes evident that traditional metrics like clicks and views no longer capture the true essence of engagement.

With the multifaceted nature of engagement in the Web3 era, partnering with MarinOne can help you delve deeper into the dynamics of user participation. Its robust platform and suite of tools and analytics will take you beyond superficial metrics so you can gain valuable insights into the quality and depth of user engagement, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your strategies.

Curious to learn how? Schedule a demo

Lauren Neels

Marin Software
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